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--> Conditions of Use

1. Import

1.1 the network place e-dentech.gr that from for will be from now on reported as Company, is a electronic shop of disposal of products via the Internet that created the Company e-dentech. The below terms and conditions will be applied for the use of network place of Company, which is found in the electronic address www.e-dentech.gr as well as the services and the products that provides the Company. The users of above web page imply the complete acceptance of below terms and conditions that has placed the Company.
1.2 In the case where some User does not accept or does not agree with these terms and the conditions, then he owes to proceed in use of network place and services of Company. The users of services of Company or the visitors of network place www.e-dentech.gr will be reported from now on as “Customers” or “Users”, independent from whether they proceed in orders of services or products from the Company.

2. Secrecy of Transactions and Safety of Personal Data

2.1 the Company has adopted processes and has taken the all essential measures for the guarantee of personal data of Users. These processes protect the data of Users from anyone not allowed access or revelation, loss or bad use. The connection of Users with the network place of Company is absolutely sure because it uses technology SSL (Secure Socket Layer). The company proposes in the Users using browsers that they support protocol SSL, as: Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari.

2.2 the All information that is transmitted by the User to the Company is confidential and the Company has taken the all essential measures so that becomes their use, only in t o frame of provided services.

2.3 Access in the information of transactions have only permitted employees of Company and only whenever this is essential.

2.4 the Company is committed for the not revelation of elements of Customers and their transactions, unless she is asked with written authorisation from the Customer or if this is imposed by juridicial decision or decision of other public beginning.
2.5 the elements of User it is always in his disposal and it can require the correction in the event that can argue the existence of error.

2.6 For the safety of transactions, the Customer or the User will be supposed to handle the all information that is provided for him via the Company as confidential and confidential and to make their any revelation in third persons.

2.7 H electronic address of Customer (e mail) is used by the Company for the mission informative emails-newsletters with regard to the Company and with by any chance new offers or handings-over that are provided by this. In the case where the Customer does not wish he receives informative emails this form, he can be erased from the list of contacts stepping in the contact-link that is found in each end informative email-newsletter.

3. Pricing and Policy of prices

3.1 the quoted prices of products are always in Euros and are included the VAT. The payment of services and products becomes in advance unless has been selected the service cash on delivery. The company maintains the right of change of prices without previous notice of Customer.

3.2 the Customer overwhelms the price which is entered in the price lists for the product or the service that selected at per year order. By any chance change of price of product of service in later time does not influence previous transaction between the parts. By any chance [parelkomena] expenses of refunding of services (expenses of deposit in bank etc), overload the Customer.

3.3 the Company has right offer parcels or offers that will have more favourable terms or honours from those that existed when the customer initially it bought services or products from the Company. These changes of prices and terms do not influence the existing prices of parts.

4. Ways of Payment

4.1[Pistotikes] Cards.
The company provides in the Customer the possibility of refunding of his orders, via the credit cards Visa, Mastercard as well as via Paypal. The debit of credit card is realised after precede control and certification of elements and her validity. The customer is the alone person in charge for the correct recording of elements of credit card.

4.2 Banking Deposit.
The company provides also in the Customer and the possibility of refunding of his orders, via deposit in banking account that is presented as choice at the completion of form - order. In this case the Customer owes to pay by any chance supplies of banks and to inform the Company for the number of transaction of deposit.

5. Cancellation of Orders and Return of Products

5.1 the Company maintains the right of cancellation of order for reasons of superior violence or for various other reasons that can result concerning the Customer as weakness of payment, not receipt of product without explanation, unknown or incomplete address of recipient as well as for reasons that concern the internal operation of Company as lack of reserve funds, withdrawl of product etc In every case the Company is compelled to inform the Customer as well as to return the precise sum that potentially to have received as refunding of order. In no case the Company is not compelled to overwhelm any other sum [peran] what corresponds in the cancelled product and provided that it has already pre-payment.

5.2 the Customer maintains the right of cancellation of order as well as return of product, inside legitimate time interval which can differ case by case and proportionally the type of guarantee that accompanies the product. For the case where the product did not correspond in the expectations of Customer, it will be supposed it returns him inside ten weekday days in the situation that him received also with expenses of transport that will overload the himself. The himself is in effect and in the event change of product from wish or from erroneous initial choice.

5.3 the Company has the obligation to the Customer to change the product with other equivalent of most excellent situation, provided that the product presented damage or deterioration in the provided time of guarantee as well as in the event that the product presented factorial imperfection at his receipt from the Customer. The type and the time of guarantee it is possible differs per product while the Company trades different nature and attribute products. In every case and for each product, is been disposed by the Company written guarantee, that is included in each packing with the product.

6. Change of Products and Guarantee of Return of Money

6.1[O] Customer has the obligation to inform immediately the Company for each dysfunction that it can observe at the use of product or inside ten days for cases where the product does not cover his needs or in t o n legitimate time of guarantee of product (depending on the product the guarantees oscillate between twelve and twenty four months) differently tacitly agrees and resigns his right for return of overwhelmed money or for change of product.

6.2 In the event that the sum of order included moreover expenses (supplies third or supplies of banks or credit cards, expenses of installation, etc) the sum of order is returned in the Customer after are retained the [parapano] expenses. No return of money does not become afterwards the tenth day from the receipt of order if do not aid reasons as they are entered in above capital 5. (Cancellation of Orders and Return of Products.)

7. Acceptance of Terms of Use

7.1 Each electronic order is dispatched in the Company via Internet, if also only if the Customer previously has unconditionally accepted the mentioned before terms of agreement, as a additional proof that the Customer was informed complete of the terms and agreed unconditionally with them.

7.2 the Customers of services or the products of Company will be supposed to have closed the 18th year of their age. Otherwise it will be supposed it takes care of the process of market, each guardians writtenly.

7.3 the terms that are contained in the present replacing each other agreement or negotiation between the Customer and the Company, oral, written or with other way, included by any chance statements from some representative of Company.

7.4 the Customer agrees that for any difference results from the use of this presentation, application will have the laws of Greek state and responsible court for the resolution of these will be the Courts Athens.

8. Limited authorisation

8.1 the Company under the above terms and conditions as well as with the all applicable laws and regulations, provides to the Customer or the User of present Web page not exclusive, [ametabibasto], personnel, and limited right of access and use of her content of elements.

8.2 This limited authorisation does not constitute in no case transfer of title in the web page and in her elements and the User accepts unconditionally that it should it maintains the all elements of web page inalterably.

9. Right of intellectual property

9.1 the present web page constitutes the official electronic shop of Company. The pictures, graphic, the drawings, the texts as well as the all content of web page of included also products constitute intellectual property of Company and are protected at the relative provisions of Greek right, European right and international conventions. The all content of web page have been deposited in the all responsible institutions which have certified the intellectual property.

9.2 In no case is not allowed the User to modify, to repeat distributes for anyone state commercial aim, the web page of Company the part of this, unless writtenly accept in that the legal representative of Company.

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